Our Members

First NameLast NameAffiliationWebpage
Timo Lang University College London www.timolang.com
Graham Leigh University of Gothenburg www.gu.se/english/about_the_university/staff/?userId=xleigr
Laurentiu Leustean University of Bucharest cs.unibuc.ro/~lleustean/
Nissan Levi Tel-Aviv university
Rui Li Sorbonne university (Paris 4 and 6)
Daniel Li University of California, Berkeley linkedin.com/in/li-daniel2001
Anela Lolic TU Wien www.anelalolic.com/
Bruno Lopes Universidade Federal Fluminense www.ic.uff.br/~bruno
Tim Lyon Technische Universität Dresden sites.google.com/view/timlyon
Mateusz Łełyk Faculty of Philosophy, University od Warsaw sites.google.com/uw.edu.pl/lelyk
Stephen Mackereth University of Pittsburgh philpeople.org/profiles/stephen-mackereth
Paolo Maffezioli University of Turin sites.google.com/site/paolomaffezioli/
Nicolas MAGAUD Université de Strasbourg dpt-info.u-strasbg.fr/~magaud
Robin Martinot Utrecht University www.robinmartinot.nl/
Brett McLean Ghent University users.ugent.be/~bmclean/
Paul-André Melliès CNRS www.irif.fr/~mellies
Dale Miller Inria Saclay and LIX www.lix.polytechnique.fr/Labo/Dale.Miller/
Mojtaba Mojtahedi Ghent University mmojtahedi.ir
Alberto Momigliano Department of Computer Science, Università degli Studi di Milano momigliano.di.unimi.it/
Richard Moot CNRS, LIRMM richardmoot.github.io